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How to Plant A Tree

Planting trees is a simple task that can help foster our environment.  Learn how to plant a tree right in your backyard using these 6 simple steps. 


Before you Plant a Tree
Contact USA by dialing 811 first, at least 2 working days before you plant (weekends and holidays excluded).  They will come out and survey the location you want to plant to assure it is free of utility lines in the ground.

Plant a tree 1.png
Plant a Tree 2.png


100K Trees for Humanity are neighbors like you, greening our city. We're planting 100,000 urban trees and plants-- or one new tree per resident in every urban community--  to increase our urban forest canopies, restore natural habitats, increase urban carbon sequestration capacity to help cities meet carbon reduction goals and for greater equity for cooler healthier communities.

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